10 research outputs found

    Musical auditory stimulus acutely influences heart rate dynamic responses to medication in subjects with well-controlled hypertension

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    Music can improve the efficiency of medical treatment when correctly associated with drug action, reducing risk factors involving deteriorating cardiac function. We evaluated the effect of musical auditory stimulus associated with anti-hypertensive medication on heart rate (HR) autonomic control in hypertensive subjects. We evaluated 37 well-controlled hypertensive patients designated for antihypertensive medication. Heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated from the HR monitor recordings of two different, randomly sorted protocols (control and music) on two separate days. Patients were examined in a resting condition 10 minutes before medication and 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes after oral medication. Music was played throughout the 60 minutes after medication with the same intensity for all subjects in the music protocol. We noted analogous response of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in both protocols. HR decreased 60 minutes after medication in the music protocol while it remained unchanged in the control protocol. The effects of anti-hypertensive medication on SDNN (Standard deviation of all normal RR intervals), LF (low frequency, nu), HF (high frequency, nu) and alpha-1 scale were more intense in the music protocol. In conclusion, musical auditory stimulus increased HR autonomic responses to anti-hypertensive medication in well-controlled hypertensive subjects

    Musical Auditory Stimulation Influences Heart Rate Autonomic Responses to Endodontic Treatment

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    We aimed to evaluate the acute effect of musical auditory stimulation on heart rate autonomic regulation during endodontic treatment. The study included 50 subjects from either gender between 18 and 40 years old, diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis or pulp necrosis of the upper front teeth and endodontic treatment indication. HRV was recorded 10 minutes before (T1), during (T2), and immediately (T3 and T4) after endodontic treatment. The volunteers were randomly divided into two equal groups: exposed to music (during T2, T3, and T4) or not. We found no difference regarding salivary cortisol and anxiety score. In the group with musical stimulation heart rate decreased in T3 compared to T1 and mean RR interval increased in T2 and T3 compared to T1. SDNN and TINN indices decreased in T3 compared to T4, the RMSSD and SD1 increased in T4 compared to T1, the SD2 increased compared to T3, and LF (low frequency band) increased in T4 compared to T1 and T3. In the control group, only RMSSD and SD1 increased in T3 compared to T1. Musical auditory stimulation enhanced heart rate autonomic modulation during endodontic treatment

    Non-linear indices of heart rate variability during endodontic treatment

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    Abstract Dental treatment promotes psychosomatic change that can influence the procedure and compromise the general well-being of the patient. In this context, it highlights the importance of evaluating the function of the autonomic nervous system in individuals undergoing endodontic treatment. Thus, this manuscript aimed to analyse cardiac autonomic modulation, through non-linear indices of heart rate variability (HRV) during endodontic treatment. Analysis of 50 subjects of either sex aged between 18 and 40 years diagnosed with irreversible pulp necrosis of lower molars undergoing endodontic treatment was undertaken. We carried out fractal and symbolic analysis of HRV, which was recorded in the first session of the endodontic treatment at four intervals: T1: 0-10 min before the onset of the treatment session; T2: 0–10 min after the application of anaesthesia; T3: throughout the period of treatment; and T4: 0-30 min after the end of the treatment session. There was reduction of α1 in T2 compared to T1 and T4 (p < 0.0001). The α2 index also reduced in T2 compared to T3 (p = 0.0035). There was an increase in the α1/α2 ratio in T4 compared to T2 and T3 (p = 0.0003). It was found that 0V% was significantly lower in T2 (p = 0.002), while 2UV% was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) when compared to other points in time. In conclusion, HRV is reduced during endodontic treatment, and after applying local anaesthetic the parasympathetic component of HRV increases. These data indicate that endodontic treatment acutely overcharges the heart, supporting the stress involved in this situation

    Cortisol Levels and Autonomic Control of Heart Rate in Healthy Subjects

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    Introduction: There is an increase in level of stress in the general population because of the social, personal and professional demands. Currently, there are only simple tools that can safely measure this stress such as levels of cortisol and heart rate variability (HRV). Objective: To analyze the relationship between salivary cortisol and the cardiac autonomic modulation. Methods: A total of fifty-one male and female subjects between 18 and 40 years old were evaluated. Saliva collection was achieved for the salivary cortisol dosage. The collection was performed through the SalivetteR tube. After this collection, the median cortisol levels (0.24 ug/dl) were analyzed and the volunteers were divided into two groups: i) cortisol below the mediane ii) cortisol above the median. After this division, each group consisted of 25 volunteers and then was verified the following information: age, gender, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure. Shortly thereafter was assessment of cardiac autonomic modulation por meio da HRV. The Polar RS800cx heart rate receiver was placed on the chest of the volunteers, in the vicinity of the distal third of the sternum. The volunteers were instructed to remain in rest with spontaneous breathing in dorsal position for 20 minutes. HRV analysis included geometric, time and frequency domain indices. Results: There were no statistical differences for the two groups regarding systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, RR intervals or linear and frequency indices for the volunteers. In addition, also there was no correlation the cortisol with the analyzed variables (SAP, p=0.460; DAP, p = 0.270; HR, p = 0.360; RR, p = 0.380; SDNN, p = 0.510; rMSSD, p = 0.660; pNN50, p = 0.820; RRtri, p = 0.170; TINN, p = 0.470; SD1, p = 0.650; SD2, p = 0.500; LF [ms2], p = 0.880; LF [nu], p = 0.970; HF [ms2], p = 0.870; HF [nu], p = 0.960; LF/HF, p = 0.380 Conclusion: Heart rate variability autonomic control was unchanged in healthy subjects with physiological distribution of salivary cortisol levels. There was no association between normal salivary cortisol and resting autonomic regulation of heart rate

    Relação entre ansiedade e modulação autonômica cardíaca

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    A ansiedade é caracterizada pelo sentimento de tensão, nervosismo, apreensão e preocupação que pode alterar a modulação do sistema nervoso autônomo sobre a condução elétrica ligada ao coração, determinando a intensidade nos batimentos cardíacos modificando a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca que é um importante indicador de condições normais e patológicas. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a relação existente entre a ansiedade e o processo de regulação autonômica cardíaca. Este estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa desenvolvido por meio de buscas nas bases de dados da Lilacs, Medline e SciELO, com os descritores em ciências da saúde e operador booleano: ansiedade AND frequência cardíaca e, ansiedade AND sistema nervoso autônomo. A busca foi realizada durante o mês de setembro de 2017, sendo incluídos artigos disponíveis na íntegra; em português e inglês e; publicados nos últimos 06 anos. Excluiu-se artigos que não fossem originais, teses, dissertações e monografias. Obteve-se um total de 10 artigos, nos quais observou-se que a ansiedade altera a resposta autonômica, assim quando o corpo entra em tensão, aumentase a frequência cardíaca, o predomínio do sistema simpático e no relaxamento ocorre o domínio parassimpático. Assim indivíduos portadores de ansiedade apresentam menor variação na frequência cardíaca e possuem uma capacidade menor de interação social. Com isto, evidencia-se uma baixa adaptação do sistema nervoso autônomo em casos de ansiedade, sendo que a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca encontra-se reduzida; condição esta que pode ser classificada como patológica